Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Billie Holiday

Billie Holiday,
NYC, 1949

Photo by Herman Leonard

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

El Mundo...

Un hombre del pueblo de Neguá, en la costa de Colombia, pudo subir al cielo. A la vuelta, contó. Dijo que había contemplado, desde allá arriba, la vida humana. Y dijo que somos un mar de fueguitos.
- El mundo es eso - reveló-. un montón de gente, un mar de fueguitos. Cada persona brilla con la luz propia entre todas las demás. No hay dos fuegos iguales. Hay gente de fuegos grandes y fuegos chicos y fuegos de todos los colores. Hay gente de fuego sereno, que ni se entera del viento, y gente de fuego loco, que llena el aire de chispas; algunos fuegos, fuegos bobos, no alumbran ni queman, pero otros arden la vida con tantas ganas que no se puede mirarlos sin parpadear, y quien se acerca se enciende.

Eduardo Galeano, El Libro de los Abrazos.

Sunday, December 18, 2005


Honey, you can't disapoint me
Because whatever you are
Is exactly what I want

fragment from the movie "Mozart and The Whale"

Friday, December 09, 2005

Some People's Attitude..

What you are shouts so loud
That I cannot hear what you say

Author Unknown (by me)

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Fernando Pessoa

A flor que és, não a que dás, eu quero.
Por que me negas o que te não peço.
Tempo há para negares
Depois de teres dado.
Flor, sê-me flor! Se te colher avaro
A mão da infausta esfinge, tu perene
Sombra errarás absurda,
Buscando o que não deste.

Fernando Pessoa
Portuguese Poet

Thursday, December 01, 2005

I Get Along Without You Very Well

I get along without you very well
Of course I do
Except when soft rains fall
And drip from leaves, then I recall
The thrill of being sheltered in your arms
Of course, I do
But I get along without you very well

I've forgotten you just like I should
Of course I have
Except to hear your name
Or someone's laugh that is the same
But I've forgotten you just like I should

What a guy, what a fool am I
To think my breaking heart could kid the moon
What's in store? Should I phone once more?
No, it's best that I stick to my tune

I get along without you very well
Of course I do
Except perhaps in spring
But I should never think of spring
For that would surely break my heart in two

by Hoagy Carmichael
suggested version: Chet Baker's