Tuesday, January 17, 2006


"As a sign of Air, the Aquarian needs a lot of space: let it breath. It's freedom (of thought and action) is it's most precious gift, don't even think of taking it away from them."

source unknown

...sometimes society it self takes my freedom away!

Monday, January 16, 2006

Recém-Nascido Amor-Perfeito

Quis levar também um bom floreiro e um ramo de rosas amarelas para conjurar a sorte ruim trazida pelas flores de papel, mas não encontrei nada aberto e tive que roubar num jardim particular um ramo de recém-nascido amor-perfeito.

Memoria de mis putas trites
Gabriel García Márques

Monday, January 09, 2006

La Vida es Hermosa

La Vida es hermosa
Si no se le tiene miedo

Chapplin (I think so...)

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Social Lubricant...

Alcohol is a social lubricant!